Discipline: an essential value

in Professional Link

A shared objective can only be achieved through discipline in both individual and team actions.

For this reason the value of discipline goes far beyond simple obedience to the rules. 

In an orchestra, for example, flexibility, active listening, individual responsibility and non-verbal communication are crucial elements that contribute to the creation of high-quality musical performances. Discover what we do as a company in order to spread this value among our team.

A musical workshop led by Maestro Giorgio Fabbri

To explain the value of discipline in depth, on Tuesday 30 January 2024 we hosted Maestro Giorgio Fabbri, an internationally renowned conductor, at our headquarters. We listened to his experience and relationship with the value of discipline, and then created a collaborative and choral musical performance, which involved the entire PLINK staff.

There was much more to the result than the sum of each person’s individual actions, demonstrating that discipline and a sense of responsibility towards colleagues lead to unthinkable and, above all, aesthetically pleasing outcomes.

We realized how important the discipline is to not only musical practice, but to work as a whole by being actively involved in the creation of a musical performance. This is because, in any context, discipline is the fulcrum around which we improve ourselves and make our work and company organization more effective.


The value of discipline in PLINK

For us, “Discipline” means also dominion and control of our emotional dimension, not cancelling it but rather directing it towards a goal: that of the common good.

We chose to combine this value with music because, as Alexander Jodorowski said: 

<<Art serves to push us beyond our limits, to reach the maximum degree of freedom. Art is the noise that waves make. The echo of something superior>>

Discover all our corporate values here

the value of discipline