Eulero Project

The Eulero Project is a non-hierarchical and flexible model that PLINK applies to its internal organization

Eulero Project

Cycle of events dedicated to the values of the Eulero Project

Corporate values are not just a set of ideal statements, but rather represent a strategic investment. That brings tangible benefits in terms of operational efficiency, growth, customer loyalty, problem solving and innovation. Investing in corporate values means investing in the long-term success of the company and the well-being of the people who are part of it.

This cycle aims to motivate individuals to realize their full potential, and to foster an environment of collaboration and cooperation.
To encourage understanding, and therefore sharing, of the eleven values of the Eulero Project, we created a cycle of corporate events dedicated to them.

Progetto Eulero

January 30th, 2024
The value of discipline with Giorgio Fabbri

Team discipline is essential to directing the actions of each member toward a shared goal.

Maestro Giorgio Fabbri, an internationally renowned conductor, explained to us the value of the discipline. We listened to his experience and his relationship with the discipline, and then created a collaborative musical performance, which involved the entire PLINK staff.

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October 7, 2023
The value of culture: Afran

PLINK has always been committed to promoting art in the company through the exhibition of artworks and holding  meetings on art history.

To give more emphasis to the value of culture, we organized a live performance, exclusively for our team, with the artist Francis Nathan Abiamba, aka AFRAN.

After explaining his artistic and creative journey, shedding light on what creating art really means, AFRAN made a performance just for us at our headquarters in Cermenate (CO). The artist created a painting in live action, in front of our eyes. The performance was an unrepeatable event, which testifies to how much PLINK’s commitment is recognized not only in the world of technology, but also in that of culture.

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Progetto Eulero: Il valore della cultura: Afran
Team working Professional Link

September 29, 2023
Value of collaboration: teamwork

To facilitate the understanding of this value, we took a night walk in a local forest with all the members of Professional Link team.

The silence, the possibility of seeing animals, of observing the forest and the sky without electrical pollution, allowed us to share a rare experience, which ended with a moment of collective discussion about our experience.


